ENERO 2025

jueves, 24 de enero de 2013


Este articulo que publique el mes pasado tuvo muy buena repercusion y un amigo con poco conocimiento de español me pidio traducirlo, bueno aqui esta, ya que lo hice, aprovecho para republicarlo en ingles.

Por Guillermo Ceballos Serra

What would it be of an organization without talent? Simply an organization destined to extinction sooner than later. The vast majority of corporations is aware of its importance and act accordingly, you can work internally to develop and supply your  current and future needs,  to think of recruiting from  competitors or generate, in the best of cases, a table of virtual replacements, identifying talents in the market and wait to recruit them when needed. Others simply are not alert and wake up when it's late.
The talent pipeline is like the blood that runs through the human body allowing development. Any organization proud of himself claims to invest within their means and generates the programs at his fingertips.

However, the first step is to identify talent correctly. Talent is across the entire organization, then does not belong to sectors or hierarchies. Moreover, by definition, is scarce as resources of any economy. Then, not surprisingly, the more relevant talent itself is even scarcer still. No organization is able to have adequate replacements for all positions. If so, I would be inclined to think that evaluation process of people had to be too generous or what is the same, neither serious nor professional.

How many management level vacancies are filled internally? What percentage of executive-level vacancies is filled by internal candidates? Actually this is an incomplete indicator. More interesting would ask: How many or what percentage of these internal hedges, could qualify as successful after a year in position?

What goes wrong? Firstly, we often meet the objective of developing succession plans as if it were a mere formality to comply with reluctance. Occasionally, we include people in succession plans knowing that may be not trained or developed or ready for the simple reason of not generating conflicts that would arise to exclude someone in our teams or with some power and influence.

Sometimes are the same employees or executives who exclude themselves from appraisals or development activities for talent identification, when they are free to do so, simply for fear of exposing to the organization and be "naked" in front of his / her colleagues.

Some organizations, as I said, lack a development plan or put people in positions for which they lack the relevant skills, so that they spoil their track record which could have been very successful. Executives are lost when exposed to levels of incompetence. In particular, this happens in organizations that create models of development based on the premises "up or out", and self-cannibalize, since as they do not become good managers, organizations lose good supervisors.

Those companies of significant size and continuous growth can take another model, as they always need a good supervisor even if they have recently failed in a management position.

Currently leaders and future ones required that we can imagine today, are more empathetic, creative and inspiring than possessor of strong technical skills. We do not value leaders for what they know but what they are able to make us do. We do not underestimate technical skills, whatever they are, are very much needed in our paths, but not the only nor the more necessary ones at the highest levels.

Leadership as talent ensures the future. Organizations: Hands On!

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